World News

Aim Higher This Valentine’s

It’s almost here!!! That wonderful day smack dab between the 17 days you almost actually stuck to your New Year’s resolutions and St. Patrick’s Day, when you totally forget about resolutions. (17 days? Hey, that’s a new record for most people!) Well … before you go diving mouth-first into a heart shaped box of chocolates, let’s talk about how much…

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5 Ways To Help Aging Parents

Remember when you were young and cool? Your parents did gobs of things you thought were nerdy. Why? Because they were old and you were young. It was your job to be the arbiter of cool. But here’s the thing. They weren’t really old. They were probably younger than you are right now. Yikes!! And here’s the other thing. And…

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Dear Superdad …

It really doesn’t matter whether you remember Superman as the black and white TV version, Christopher Reeve, or even this new guy from Man of Steele whose name I am truthfully too lazy to even look up. However, Superman is a timeless figure in American culture of strength, honor, and laser beam eyes. Yet, I always wondered, “Why didn’t he…

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Dear Mom …

Dear Mom, Today, on this very special Mother’s Day, I just want to you know from the bottom of my heart that I am really curious about what you plan to do with all your stuff when you die. Love, Your Adoring Child Worst Mother’s Day Card Ever? Honestly! Who would ever say something like this? Well, if you’re any…

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