When you are facing the loss of a loved one and need advice to guide you through the process, J. F. Henderson Law is there for you. Whether your loved one passed away with a will and one or more trusts or whether they did not have a will at all, J. F. Henderson Law will work diligently and sympathetically to help make the process as smooth and painless as possible for you and your family. Special care will be taken to make certain you’re receiving the service you expect at a price you and your loved ones feel is fair.
As with other client services, J. F. Henderson Law offers every new client a free initial meeting with no obligation. Voicemail and email are checked in the evening and on weekends, so never hesitate to get in touch.
Other Services
When you’re starting a business, J. F. Henderson Law can assist you with all the major questions you face, from contracts to capitalization; hiring and firing, to partnership and protecting your assets.
When you’re not ready for your own General Counsel but need broad expertise and advice, J. F. Henderson Law will work to understand your needs in confidential collaboration and will find a way to work within the means of your business.
When you are facing the loss of a loved one and need advice to guide you through the process, J. F. Henderson Law is there for you. Special care will be taken to make certain you’re receiving the service you expect at a price you feel is fair.